We, the members of the fire service in the state of Mississippi, in order to form a more perfect organization, establish harmony of action, insure prosperity and success, provide pecuniary support, secure protection, promote the best interest of the Fire Chiefs of Mississippi, complete statistical information concerning the practical working of the various apparatus in use for the extinguishment of fires, and to cultivate a fraternal and benevolent fellowship between the members of the various Fire Companies and Departments in the State, do herby organize the Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association and establish the following Constitution and By-Laws, each member pledging himself/herself to perform the duties of him/her by this Association.
Section 1
This organization shall be styled and known as the Mississippi Fire Chiefs Association. Hereinafter in the Constitution and By-Laws the word “Association” shall mean the Mississippi Fire
Chiefs Association.
ARTICLE II – Mission Statement
Section 1
To establish harmony of action in the cultivation of benevolent fellowship, secure protection and promote the best interest of the Fire Chiefs of Mississippi.
Section 1
Membership in the Association shall consist of four classes: Active, Lifetime, Associate and Honorary.
Section 2
Active members : Present or Past Chief Officers of regular organized Fire Departments, paid, volunteer or private, Salvage Corps, Fire Prevention and Protection Associations, State Fire Marshall, including his/her Assistants or Deputies, the State Fire Academy Director and all Instructors, City Wardens and Fire Marshals, Fire Commissioners, Rating Bureau personnel operating in Mississippi, Board of Directors of Fire Districts, Public Safety Directors, County Fire Coordinators and all members retired from service, as specified above shall be eligible to membership in this Association.
Section 3
Life membership may only be bestowed on members who have distinguished themselves in the Fire Service and the affairs of the Association. Recommendations for life membership must be submitted by the originating department to the Executive Committee for a determination of eligibility and approval or disapproval. If approved, the President will present the name for vote under New Business at the next annual meeting. Each President, leaving office in good standing shall be granted Life Membership in the Association. Lifetime Members shall be accorded all privileges of the Association, including the right to vote and hold office. Any member of the Association, convicted of a felony shall not be considered for lifetime membership and any lifetime member convicted of a felony, shall have this honor revoked.
Section 4
Honorary members: Shall be qualified citizens of the State, of good moral character and show their interest in the Fire Service of the State.
Section 5
Associate members: Shall be equipment salespersons, factory representatives or manufacturers of fire equipment.
Section 1
The officers of this Association shall consist of a President, First Vice-President, Immediate Past President, eight Vice-Presidents, a Secretary-Treasurer and the President of the Mississippi Firefighters Association. These persons shall compose the membership of the Executive Committee of the Association.
One Vice-President is to be elected from each of the eight districts: Northeast, Northwest, Northwest Central, West Central, East Central, Southwest, Southeast and Southern. The President, First Vice-President and the Secretary-Treasurer are to be elected from any section of the State.
The Northeast District shall consist of Alcorn, Benton, Chickasaw, Clay, Itawamba, Lee, Monroe, Pontotoc, Prentiss, Tippah, Tishomingo, Union, and Webster Counties.
The Northwest District shall include Calhoun, Coahoma, Desoto, Lafayette, Marshall, Panola, Quitman, Tate, Tunica, and Yalobusha Counties.
The Northwest Central District shall include Bolivar, Carroll, Grenada, Holmes, Humphreys, Leflore, Montgomery, Sunflower, Tallahatchie, and Washington Counties.
The West Central District shall include Hinds, Issaquena, Madison, Rankin, Sharkey, Warren, and Yazoo Counties.
The East Central District shall include Attala, Choctaw, Kemper, Lauderdale, Leake, Lowndes, Neshoba, Newton, Noxubee, Oktibbeha, Scott, and Winston Counties.
The Southwest District shall include Adams, Amite, Claiborne, Copiah, Franklin, Jefferson Davis, Jefferson, Lawrence, Lincoln, Marion, Pike, Simpson, Wathall, and Wilkinson Counties.
The Southeast District shall include Clark, Covington, Forrest, Greene, Jasper, Jones, Lamar, Perry, Smith, and Wayne Counties.
The Southern District shall include George, Hancock, Harrison, Jackson, Pearl River, and Stone Counties.
The First Vice-President shall automatically be considered as a nominee for President of the Association for the year immediately following that person’s year of service as First Vice-President. Nothing in the Section shall prevent other nominations to re-elect the serving President.
Section 2
All officers shall be elected at the annual meeting of this Association. The newly elected officials must have received a majority of the votes present and cast.
Section 1
Only Active and Lifetime members with current dues paid and registered as delegates at the conference shall be eligible to vote. Honorary and Associate members cannot vote.
Section 1
Every active Fire Chief and persons eligible to become a member of this Association shall submit
an application to the Secretary-Treasurer, with the entrance fee.
These fees Shall be $45.00 for municipal. county and industrial departments, volunteer and retired
members. If such an applicant is eligible, they shall become a member of this Association and shall pay
into the treasury dues thereafter. Annual dues are payable on the first day of each year. Associate
members shall follow the same procedure for application as above.
Section 2
This fiscal year shall extend from the first day of January through the thirty-first day of December; however, all members making application after the annual conference in any calendar year shall be given credit for the remaining months of that year and also credit for the following calendar from January first through December thirty-first.
Section 1
The annual meeting of this association shall not exceed 5 (five) calendar days. Special meetings may be called by the President, with the consent of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee. In all cases of special meetings, the objectives must be stated in the call.
Section 2
A failure to hold an annual meeting shall in no way mean dissolution of the Association.
Section 1
The duty of the President is to preside at all meetings and appoint all standing committees; to sign all orders duly granted by the Association or Executive Committee.
Section 2
The Vice-Presidents shall assist the President in the performance of his/her duties. They shall perform such duties as required of them by the Association.
Section 3
The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all meetings; keep a complete record of the proceedings; issue all calls pertaining to the Association or Executive Committee; collect all money due to the Association and keeping a correct account. The Secretary-Treasurer shall execute a bond of $50,000.00 to be filed, with approval of the Executive Committee, if such bond is obtainable. The Secretary Treasurer shall turn over to his/her successor in office all books and papers in his/her possession belonging to the Association.
Section 4
The duties of the Executive Committee shall be to have published the proceedings of the Association; to transact all business of the Association during the time intervening between the annual meetings; and shall suggest to the Association, at its annual meeting, such rules and regulations as it may deem in its best interests and not in conflict with the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association.
A majority of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum and a majority of such quorum may determine all questions.
Section 5
The President shall appoint the following committees consisting of not less than three members nor more than five members, with the approval of the Executive Committee. These committees shall be: Legislative, Credential, Resolution, Auditing, Publicity, Fire Prevention, Education and Training, and any other committees deemed necessary by the Executive Committee.
Section 6
The President shall also appoint a parliamentarian.
Section 7
The Executive Committee shall meet at such time and place as it decides, or by call of the President. If any vacancies shall occur, by reason of death, resignation of office or membership, such vacancy may be filled by the Executive Committee for the unexpired term for which said officer was elected.
Section 1
All motions to alter, amend or appeal the Constitution and By-Laws of the Association, or any portion or section thereof, must be made in writing at a regular meeting of the association, at which time motions must be read and action taken of those members present and voting.
Section 2
The consideration of any proposed amendments to the Constitution, By-Laws or Rules of Order, which have been acted upon by the Executive Committee, shall be the first business at the opening of the evening session on the first day of the conference, or if no evening session is held on that day, the proposed amendments shall be the first business at the opening of the next succeeding session.
Section 3
All amendments, alterations or revisions of any part of this Constitution, By-Laws or rules of order shall take effect upon their adoption by the conference.
Section 4
Any question coming before the conference not specifically provided in the Constitution, By-Laws or rules of order, shall be decided by the presiding officer based on parliamentary procedure principles in “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Section 1
This Association shall hold its annual meeting as stated in Article VII Section 1. Special meetings may be held at such time and place as the interest of the Association may require but they shall be confined to the business to which they were called.
Section 2
The President, or in his/her absence, the First Vice-President may call such meetings, with the consent of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
Section 1
The President shall be the Chief Officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings; put motions to a vote when seconded, decide questions when votes are equal, and such other points of order. The President shall appoint all committees, except in case where a vote is required by the Association. The President shall grant leave of absence from meetings when good and proper excuse is given, sign the minutes of all meetings, after they have been approved by the Association.
Section 2
The President shall sign all certificates of membership and all other lawful documents that may require his/her signature. The President shall be ex-officio Chairman of all committees. All property of the Association shall be under his/her control during his/her term of office.
Section 1
The Vice-President shall assist the President in the discharge of his/her duties. In the absence of the President or in case of the President’s inability or refusal to act, the First Vice-President shall take the place of the President.
Section 1
The Secretary-Treasurer shall attend all meetings of the association and committee meetings when requested by its committees. If the Secretary-Treasurer is unable to attend a state meeting he/she shall have the necessary books and papers conveyed to the meeting.
Section 2
The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a correct record of the proceedings of the association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep a detailed record of all receipts and disbursements. The Secretary-Treasurer shall make payment of approved bills ordered paid by the executive committee, or the association. The Secretary-Treasurer shall keep such books and perform such duties as may be required of him/her by the executive committee.
Section 3
The Secretary-Treasurer shall, at each annual meeting, make a statement, in writing, of all sums of money received and disbursements made by him/her showing the balance, if any, in the treasury. The Secretary-Treasurer shall maintain a list of all paid members and shall issue proper notification to delinquent departments and members.
Section 4
The Secretary-Treasurer shall, on retiring from office deliver to the auditing committee all the books and papers in his/her possession pertaining to his/her office, properly checked and balanced, and if found correct, the auditing committee shall approve them, and turn them over to the executive committee, who shall cancel his/her bond and turn the books and papers over to his/her successor in
the office.
Section 5
The Secretary-Treasurer shall deposit in the name of the association any monies belonging to
the association in such bank or banks as the association may designate, over and above the amount of fifty dollars. This money can only be drawn by check against the Association.
Section 1
The President at the first executive committee meeting after the annual meeting of the Association shall appoint the standing committees.
Section 2
The President shall appoint a Vice-President as chairman of each committee named in article x section 5. The chairman shall designate the time and place of meetings. The chairman shall give an explicit account in writing, of the proceedings of his/her committee to the Association.
Section 3
Members of committees shall act with the utmost secrecy on all matters brought before them
and disclose their nature to no one, until their report is received and acted upon by this executive
committee or the Association.
Section 1
At the annual meeting of the Association business will be conducted in the following order: