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Membership Classes

Membership in the Association consist of four classes: Active, Lifetime, Associate and Honorary.


Active Members

Present or Past Chief Officers of regular organized Fire Departments, paid, volunteer or private, Salvage Corps, Fire Prevention and Protection Associations, State Fire Marshall, including his/her Assistants or Deputies, the State Fire Academy Director and all Instructors, City Wardens and Fire Marshals, Fire Commissioners, Rating Bureau personnel operating in Mississippi, Board of Directors of Fire Districts, Public Safety Directors, County Fire Coordinators and all members retired from service, as specified above shall be eligible to membership in this Association.


Life Membership

May only be bestowed on members who have distinguished themselves in the Fire Service and the affairs of the Association. Recommendations for life membership must be submitted by the originating department to the Executive Committee for a determination of eligibility and approval or disapproval. If approved, the President will present the name for vote under New Business at the next annual meeting. Each President, leaving office in good standing shall be granted Life Membership in the Association. Lifetime Members shall be accorded all privileges of the Association, including the right to vote and hold office. Any member of the Association, convicted of a felony shall not be considered for lifetime membership and any lifetime member convicted of a felony, shall have this honor revoked.

Profesional Fire truck with fire fighting equipment and firemen in protective clothing, helmets and mask.

Associate/Honorary Members

Associate Members:
Shall be equipment salespersons, factory representatives or manufacturers of fire equipment.


Honorary Members:
Shall be qualified citizens of the State, of good moral character and show their interest in the Fire Service of the State.